Will you give the list of suppliers details to my clients and then they need to choose and contact the suppliers? or you will send the final quote to my clients after you negotiate with the suppliers?

We will try our best to source several different [...]

|2023-11-18T22:44:30+00:0011月 18, 2023||Will you give the list of suppliers details to my clients and then they need to choose and contact the suppliers? or you will send the final quote to my clients after you negotiate with the suppliers?已关闭评论

What if the price you offered is less competitive than the one I find on Alibaba? Or I want to buy from my own supplier but still want to use your service to coordinate between the supplier and me.

There are two different situations for service fee: 1. [...]

|2023-11-18T22:44:04+00:0011月 18, 2023||What if the price you offered is less competitive than the one I find on Alibaba? Or I want to buy from my own supplier but still want to use your service to coordinate between the supplier and me.已关闭评论